You have been down into the waters of baptism and have received a remission of your sins through repentance. I bless you that you will be mindful of the covenant which is implied in this baptism, that you will always remember him and that you will keep his commandments, and he will remember the promises that he made to you that he will forgive you for those things which you might have done in moments of weakness that were not pleasing in his sight. He promised that your sins and transgressions would be blotted out of the book of remembrance. As you repent and are faithful before the Lord, you will be worthy to seek him in humble prayer, and he will lend a listening ear. I pray that you will ask only for those things necessary to your salvation. I bless you that you will be patient for his time is different from that of his children. He will, in his own due time, and in his own due way, answer your prayers and grant you the righteous desires of your heart, and in addition, will bless you with all the blessings that you stand in need of to accomplish your mission here on earth.
With the blessings that you were promised through your chosen lineage, you also accepted responsibilities to your fellowmen. The Plan of Salvation is for all mankind, and you covenanted with Heavenly Father that you would be of service to him in helping to establish righteousness in the earth. You will have many opportunities to exercise your priesthood in behalf of others as you share the gospel with them. Prepare yourself well in understanding the principles of the gospel, for one day you will be called to serve as a missionary in an area of the world where the Lord can best utilize your talents and abilities. There are many in the world today who are waiting to hear the message of the gospel which they once heard in the spirit world but forgot at birth. When they hear it again, they will feel that it is something they have believed all their lives, and they will bless you for bringing it again to their remembrance. Your years spent in the service of the Lord as a missionary will be some of the most memorable of your life.
At an important time in your life, you will have the opportunity to take a choice daughter of Zion to the Lord's holy house to be sealed for time and all eternity in the new and everlasting covenant of marriage. Keep yourself worthy for a temple marriage, for it is essential that you receive the sacred temple ordinances in order to one day be exalted in Heavenly Father's kingdom. Through your union of marriage, choice spirits will grace your home, and they will be a joy and blessing to you and your companion. I bless you that as patriarch of your family, you will preside with patience, with love, with kindness, and with understanding. Remember how important it is to show by example and precept importance of the gospel in your life. Teach your children righteous living, and you will have the pleasure of seeing them grow to be worthy servants of the Lord. I bless you that you will be kind and considerate to your companion, and she will reciprocate with love and will support you in all your righteous endeavors. She will make your home a heaven on earth, where all who enter will find it a haven of peace. I bless you that you will be mindful of the responsibility you have to your kindred dead. To redeem them, you must first find out who they are, and after you obtain the information you need, you should see that the important work is done for them which they cannot do for themselves. The day you pass through the veil into your next estate will be one of joy and happiness, for they will greet you with open arms and declare you their savior on Mt. Zion.
I bless you that you will be able to withstand the difficulties and the adversities that you will face in life. There will be sorrows and hard times, but these are things for your experience. With the Lord's help, you may turn every obstacle in life's pathway into a blessing. Remember that the trials you are called upon to face in life are but for a moment in God's eternal plan. I bless you that you will see beyond the present, and that you will experience great joy and peace of mind as you contemplate the eternal blessings that are promised to the faithful. I bless you that you will study the scriptures, for in them you will find truths that are eternal, and they will help you overcome the daily problems of life. I bless you that you will make temple attendance an important part of your life, for in the temple you become close to the Lord for there the veil is thin. There you may receive answers to your prayers and instructions that will prepare you for eternal life. Stay close to your parents for they love you very much and are very desirous that you be a part of their eternal family.
Evil is rampant in the world today, but Satan and his followers can have no influence over you unless you allow it. Through the power of the priesthood, you are more powerful than he. I bless you that you will never be tempted by the powers of evil greater than that which you can withstand. You are blessed with the gift of faith, and through this great gift, miraculous things will occur in your life. You will receive personal revelation as to the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. Ask the Lord in faith, and He will hear and answer your prayers. Pay your tithes and offerings,and give of your time, talents and means in supporting the work of the Lord and He will open the windows of Heaven to you.
I bless you that you will live until you are satisfied with days, and on the morning of the first resurrection, you will come forth clothed in a celestial body, beautiful and radiant, to reign as a king in your own household and dominion which will increase endlessly. This blessing I seal upon you, conditioned upon your faithfulness, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.